How to be on the WINNING side of the next great transfer of wealth...
(Please turn up your speakers if you don't hear the sound!)
In the near future, millions of Americans and citizens of other countries around the world are going to lose massive amounts of money and wealth...
Meanwhile, others are going to become very wealthy during this same period of time.
Keep reading to discover how you can be on the winning side of this great transfer of wealth...

From: Robert Modd (along with Eric Holmlund and Paul Counts)
Re: The future of your investments
Dear friend,
To say that a lot of people were surprised by the outcome of the US Presidential election would be an understatement.
Now what we're seeing in the aftermath of this event is a lot of FEAR.
There is fear on many levels, about a lot of things. We're not going to talk about most of those things, because that's not what this letter is about. And this is also not about politics, and really it's not about Trump either.
But there is one particular concern that I would like to address. And that is...
During the time that Trump is president of the United States, what is going to happen with the stock market, the US economy, and the global economy?
I'm going to answer that question on this page. But just to be clear, the information on this page is neither for nor against Trump. We're simply going to look at some facts.
I believe that in the near future, millions of Americans and citizens of other countries around the world are going to lose massive amounts wealth. (That's something to be concerned about.)
Meanwhile, others are going to become very wealthy during this same period of time!
How can you protect yourself and your family and set yourself up to be on the winning side of this great transfer of wealth?
Keep reading and you’ll discover the answer in the next few minutes.
First, let's look at some facts...
Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States of America.
Whether you like it or not, it’s true.
Mainstream media got it wrong. WAY wrong!
For an entire year they were saying Trump wasn’t going to win.
They’ve been wrong about a lot of other things too, haven’t they? As soon as Trump won the election, they started making predictions about what would happen to the stock market.
And really it was only a matter of hours before those predictions began to be proven FALSE.
They thought the market was going to tank the next day, but what happened?
It took a quick dip and then it went up big time with a huge, or as Trump would say, a yuuuge day!
Stocks, bonds, and commodities were all over the place.
Some of the biggest companies like Facebook (down 8.5%) and Apple (down 6%) were down significantly.
Banks were up big time, like as much as 19%! (BOA up 19% JPM up 15%)
Gold was down 7% and bonds were down 8%!
Volatility spiked (some of you may have been watching the VIX), but then it went back down to where it was before the election!
Now by the time you’re reading this, the market situation may be totally different once again. But the point is that NO ONE, especially not the mainstream media has correctly predicted ALL of these movements.
So I think you would agree with me, that...
We really should NOT be taking advice, much less financial advice, from the media—right?
Still, we can make some educated guesses can’t we?
How about inflation, or hyper-inflation?
Many well-known and highly educated economists are predicting massive inflation, so much so that the term “Trumpflation” has practically become a household word.
And there are many facts that point to that kind of scenario (although as you will see, it's NOT Trump's fault)...
In Trump’s victory speech he said this:
We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We’re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none. And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.
In other words, Trump’s plan is to spend TRILLIONS of dollars on a large scale stimulus program by spending that money on public works.
Here's something much more important that you should know...
The Federal Reserve is already leveraged 110 to 1.
We could get into a lot of details about this, but basically for every dollar the Fed has in the bank, they have $110 of debt. They are in a MUCH worse position today than they were in when the recession of 2008 hit.
You see, this is by no means a problem that Trump is creating. It’s a problem that he’s inheriting, and it would be the same problem regardless of who had won the election.
By the way I got that number directly from the most recent balance sheet released to the public by the Federal Reserve showing over 4.4 Trillion dollars of liabilities, and only 40 billion of capital.
Now, I applaud the Fed for being transparent enough to release their balance sheet each quarter, but this is a very extreme situation that MOST of the public has no idea about. They are in a MUCH worse position today than they were in when the recession of 2008 hit.
On top of that, the private banking system is totally over-leveraged again too. That’s another FACT.
Meanwhile, what is the Fed doing about it? Hmmm...
The Federal Reserve keeps printing new money.
Again, it’s a FACT. They’ve added over $3.9 TRILLION of new money to our money supply since 2008.
So we’re already in the middle of a totally unstable monetary situation, and the Fed is likely to keep printing TRILLIONS of dollars of more money!
It's the perfect storm for hyper-inflation.
If that happens, you can kiss the US dollar good-bye and our economy will crumble. Suddenly the dollar could be worth almost nothing. Imagine waking up one day and finding that a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread costs thousands or even millions of dollars!

Most Americans don’t think it could happen, but it’s happened in other countries over 50 times in the last hundred years, and the conditions are ripe for it to happen in America.
It’s not a fact that it’s going to happen, but it IS an educated guess that is being made by many experts outside the mainstream media.
But there are also other FACTS that are pointing to the possible collapse of the US dollar that once again have nothing to do with Trump and plans...
One of them is the International Monetary Fund, also known as the IMF.
For decades the USA has had the most clout and the most voting power in the IMF, which has helped ensure that the dollar keeps its global importance, and thus its value.
There are 189 countries in the IMF...
The balance of power is shifting in the IMF.
THIS YEAR–right now–the balance of power is shifting out of the hands of the USA and into the hands of several countries who would band together to vote AGAINST the US dollar (such as Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
And when the world’s economy decides to separate itself from the US Dollar, the dollar WILL fall.
There are plenty of countries that would love to see an end to global dependence on the US dollar, not the least of which is China.
As you can imagine, they would rather see the Yuan be the strongest currency in the world.
As you may also know, China is the most populous country on Earth, and is quickly rising to potentially become the world’s next superpower. There are actually multiple ways that China could send the US economy into chaos.
One of those ways, which would be equally bad for China, is if China’s economy collapsed. It would send the entire global market into a tailspin.
And yet here is a FACT that points to that being a very real possibility...
China's banks are in a potentially BAD situation.
China’s banks have put themselves in a potentially more dangerous position than America’s before the 2008 collapse.
As you may recall, America’s banks were buying up bad mortgages and basically holding ridiculous amounts of bad paper heading into the recession. Those asset backed securities were worth a fraction of their stated value, and ultimately led to a global crisis.
Now a similar situation is occurring in China, only worse. The amount of asset based securities being bought by Chinese banks is astronomical. They call them Wealth Management Products, but it’s really the same kind of artificial stuff the American banks were buying before 2008.
Back in 2012, the Xiao Gang, the chairman of the board of Bank of China said,
"To some extent, this is fundamentally a Ponzi scheme."
So they’ve been at this for awhile now, and that’s another catalyst that could bring down America’s economy at any time in the near future.
There are a lot of other catalysts that could lead to America’s demise that we just don’t have time to cover...
Some of those risks come from the outside, like terrorist attacks, and some from the inside, like racial tension and other civil disagreements that are already leading to violence.
Again we have facts to look at here. If you live outside America, you’ve probably seen some of the headlines, but if you live inside America, you’ve probably begun to experience the tension yourself, probably in your town and maybe even with your own neighbors and extended family members.
Never has this nation been so divided during our generation. More Americans voted for Hillary than for Trump, but Trump won the Electoral College.
If America fails to come together in a meaningful way, we will probably see some bad things...
There are too many facts, and too many warning signs to ignore it. At some point we will see the stock market fall big time. There simply has to be a day of reckoning. It’s in accordance with the laws of nature. Whether it’s a slow decline or a fast crash, it will go down, and in a minute we’re going to talk about how to gain massive wealth in the midst of those scenarios.
What we DON'T know for sure, is whether that will happen during Trump’s presidency.
You see, here are some more facts...
Trump doesn’t like to lose.
If you watched him battle through the election, you’ll know this.
Trump does not want to see the US economy tank on his watch.
Trump is the richest US president ever.
In fact he has more money than ALL of the previous presidents combined!
Yes he’s made a lot of mistakes in his businesses, but still–whether you like him or not–unless you have more money than him, you have to admit he knows a thing or two about creating wealth.
Trump’s economic platform is essentially pro-business.
His proposed tax cuts could potentially lead to a true economic stimulus in the short term.
Again, there has to be a day of reckoning someday, but if Trump succeeds in his plan, we could see the market continue to go up during his presidency.
And here’s one more FACT that we can’t ignore…
The Fed has proven that they are able to prop up the market and economy year after year.
Yes they have done it by printing more money and controlling interest rates. Yes you could say it is artificial. Yes it has to end someday, but they’ve done it for a long time. Who’s to say it won’t happen for awhile longer?
In spite of what MOST experts predicted, the market has gone up and the US economy has grown for the last 8 years in spite of the factors working against it.
I will say it one more time. A day of reckoning will come. But is it possible that Trump’s administration could delay it for another 8 years?
It is possible.
And this leads us to one more fact...
You cannot predict the future.
No one can. That is a fact. Yes we can make some educated guesses, but if you could accurately predict the future 100% of the time you wouldn’t be here reading this page right now. You wouldn’t be even the slightest bit interested because you’d already be wealthy beyond imagination, and you’d know exactly what will happen in the future.
In the recession of 2008, over 50 TRILLION dollars of wealth was lost. Most likely we’ll see a much bigger loss when the next market crash happens...
As I said at the beginning of this letter, millions of Americans and citizens of other countries around the world are going to lose massive amounts of money and wealth in the near future.
That will certainly be the case if we see the market go down, but it will also be the case if we see the market go up. How do I know? Because millions of people will be positioned on the WRONG side of the equation.
The only sure thing is that a lot of wealth is going to change hands.
So how can you protect yourself and your family and set yourself up to be on the winning side of this great transfer of wealth?
The answer, is to put yourself in a WIN-WIN situation.
How do you do that?
You can do it with our trading system called The Trading Code, which is a completely unique system that you will NOT find anywhere else.
Our Trading Code system is designed to generate income regardless of which direction the market is going, but is especially formulated for the risks facing today's market. The system is designed to profit drastically if the market goes down. As I showed you there are a LOT of facts pointing to that eventuality, and the system takes that into account. But at the same time, it can still make money if the market keeps going up.
As of the day this video is being made, our system is outperforming the market by 300%. It was outperforming before Trump was elected, and will continue to outperform regardless of who is elected in the future.
How do we know? Because the system works in all types of markets.
When the market started falling in the hours after the election, this system was poised to capitalize on the downward move. It just so happened that the market went on a fast upward move instead, which was not a problem. The very same position that would have profited from the downward move has profited from the major upward move.
Yes the same position is able to make money whether the market moves up or down, and whether there is high volatility or low volatility.
This is the one method that can put you into a WIN-WIN situation to gain wealth in today's market.
We are now experiencing a 97% win rate with this system...
That’s an incredible win rate that we’ve never seen with any other system.
Yet with our system you can even have a losing track record and still make money! One quarter back in 2014 we had 8 wins and 9 losses, but still had a 38% profit. That’s obviously a lot better than you could do by putting your money into the bank or any traditional investment.
In a minute I’ll explain why we’re giving you over $1000 worth of free value just to try our system, but first I want to tell you just a little about myself and how I developed this system...

My name is Robert Modd, and I'm NOT a professional trader on Wall Street.
I run a multimillion-dollar chemical and water treatment company, and am also a real estate broker and investor.
I wanted to put my money to better use, and started looking at all kinds of investment opportunities. With a wife and 4 kids, I needed something that didn’t take much time.
I wanted to create passive income so I could work as much or little as I wanted, so I started trading options over 23 years ago.
I took the concept of trial and error to the extreme, developing and testing 198 trading models over the years!
Out of those, 154 were not profitable. I took the remaining 44 trading models and back-tested them extensively to see how they would have performed over the long run.
From those I whittled it down to 17 that I further tested, and then down to 8 winning models. I've continued to refine those 8 into the proprietary system that we’re going to be handing to you today.
So when we say that 23 years and tens of thousands of dollars of testing went into this system, we’re not exaggerating.
You could spend the next 20 plus years trying to recreate Robert's success, or you can take advantage of the shortcut that we're offering you today...
OK, so first I’ll tell you a little more about our trading system, and then I’ll tell you about some of the bonuses that you’re getting today...
As I mentioned, you will not find this trading system anywhere else. It was developed by me (Robert Modd).
As I mentioned, we call it the "Trading Code", but to be more specific I named it the Trading Code on Negative Kurtosis.
It’s a funny name, and that’s why we often just call it the "Trading Code", but the point is I guarantee you’ve never seen it before!
Here are some of the great things about this system...
- It’s basically the same easy trade over and over. Like rinse and repeat.
- You only have to track one underlying stock.
- You only have to track one or two positions at a time.
- It’s easy to take your whole portfolio to cash and cash out.
- It’s liquid and unlike real estate or other investments, you can be out of this in seconds.
- It’s recession-proof. Unlike a typical business that suffers in a recession, this special system actually thrives!
- It only requires monitoring once per day -- usually less than 30 seconds per day!
- The market can go up down or not move and you still make money.
- The system works when volatility is high and when volatility is low.
- It requires very little adjusting. It’s as close as you’ll get to “just set it and forget it”.
- You’ll save big time on trading commissions because adjustments are almost never required.
- The average trade lasts approximately 21 days.
- It works using a regular margin account, you don’t need portfolio margin like you would with most trading systems.
- It even works in an IRA account. Yes you can use this system to grow your retirement account!
- You can manage a complete portfolio with this one easy rinse and repeat system.
- Perhaps best of all, you get to watch me trade this system in a real account with real money!
You’ll get to learn this system from a concise 4-video step by step course in the member’s area.
If you want to, you can actually download those videos and while you may not share them in any way, they are yours to keep even if you choose not to remain a member of the site.
We’ve seen other options courses selling for as much as $3000, and I doubt that they have the winning track record that this one has, nor are they perfectly poised for TODAY'S market like ours is.
So this course alone teaching the Trading Code on Negative Kurtosis is easily a $1000 value, and it’s yours to keep when you take advantage of our offer today for the tiny price that you’ll find on this page.
$1000.00 Value
But we’re not stopping there, because we’re also including two additional options courses as bonuses today. Both of these are also original, created by me, and never released before.
The first one is called Trading Options Basics, and it’s just what it sounds like. This is for newbies.
If you’ve never traded options before, you’ll start by watching this course...
A lot of newbies are afraid to get into options trading because of intimidation and fear of what they think it entails. For example…
- Having to learn all the complex terms and concepts of options trading.
- Trying to predict which way the market will go using technical analysis, chart patterns, indicators.
- Not knowing what to do when the market goes against your position.
- Constantly making bad trades and watching money in your account drain away…
- Becoming upset that things aren’t working for you and losing confidence in your trading abilities…
My Trading Options Basics course overcomes ALL those potential obstacles and puts you on the track to successful trading in the quickest time possible.
The course clearly explains everything you need to know about options in plain English so you can start trading fast and make consistent profits.
Some of the benefits you'll enjoy from this course include...
- Real world examples showing you how trading is done and how to succeed in these ever-changing markets
- Learn to properly execute options trades like a Professional (This course leaves no stone unturned. You’ll walk away understanding every core piece of options trading)
- You’ll learn all the options trading terms you need to know, and how they work.
- For example you’ll understand puts versus calls, buying versus selling, which to use, why, and when
- How to use the “Greeks” (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho — the five factors that influence an option’s price) to trade more effectively. This course completely dissects and demystifies the most confusing of all option concepts
- The concepts of volatility and implied volatility (what it is, how it affects options, and how to use it to your advantage)
- Learn the mistakes and the pitfalls to avoid while trading options (so that you know what to expect and how to deal with it if it arises)
- Discover the pivotal component that can quickly eat up option trading profits OR make money consistently for you.
- You’ll get a review of different trading platforms and the best one for optimal options trading.
- Options strategies for consistently enhancing your trading profits (you’ll learn about spreads, iron condors, butterflies, straddles & strangles, covered calls & puts, rolling positions, scaling, and much more)
The bottom line is you’ll learn the foundation of successful trading and acquire a skill that can generate consistent monthly income for the rest of your life.
This course contains 7 video lessons, and is a $397 value. It is yours for free when you grab this amazing offer today.
$397.00 Value
Next we’re throwing in an additional options course called The Trading Code on Earnings.
Again it’s original, created by me, and is not available anywhere else.
This is a specialized options trading system designed specifically for using during the quarterly Earnings season. Using this unique system my trading account gained a return of 445% in 3 quarters.
There are some things you can always count on in life: death, taxes and the fact that companies will report their earnings every quarter.
Earnings season provides plenty of trading opportunities that can be exciting and highly profitable!
The 8 rules of this system will allow you to identify the best earnings trades that are mostly likely to yield significant profits.
This is a different way of trading I developed based on decades of experience (You will not find this system being taught by anyone else!)
Here are some things you can look forward to...
- Companies are obligated to report their earnings every quarter so you’re guaranteed to have these rewarding trading opportunities throughout the year!
- You can use the same stock options for every quarter (In fact, we provide you the best stocks to trade earnings on so you don’t have to go searching for them)
- Make money regardless of market direction (This system is not based on picking the right direction so you can generate consistent profits regardless of whether the market is going up, down or sideways!)
- Concrete trading rules make it simple and eliminates all guesswork for you (By following the system you’ll know exactly when to open and close a trade. That way you won’t have to deal with stress, anxiety, fear and overthinking)
This course includes 7 videos, plus an ebook with the system in easy written format.
You’ll be able to download all of those and keep them for future reference.
Once again this is an original system that we could be selling for as much as $3000. We’ll call it a $1000 value, and it’s yours for free as a bonus when you grab this offer today.
$1000.00 Value!
But we’re not done yet, because we’re also including a 15 page ebook revealing a little-known options trading strategy called The Inverted Credit Spread...
This is a powerful strategy I developed from many years of trading. This is a strategy that top professional traders and financial institutions don’t want you to know about.
Why? Because with this strategy you can systematically adjust losing trades and turn them into winners!
Yes -- I’ll say it again. With this strategy you can literally turn losing trades into winners.
This strategy will drastically minimize your risk and increase your trading profit.
And this strategy can also be added to any trading system to enhance it for more successful results.
This ebook is easily a $97 value, and it’s yours to download for free today when you take us up on our incredible offer on this page.
$97.00 Value
In case you weren’t adding it up, those courses and bonuses add up to $2394.00. And ALL of it is exclusive. It’s never been offered before, and you won’t find it anywhere else.
So... Why are we doing this? Why are we letting you grab these trading courses for such a small firesale price?
The answer is that that we’re looking to create a lot of successful customers, and thus create a name for ourselves in this industry.
You see, although I've been trading options for over 23 years, I'm virtually unknown in the online world.
This is the first time I've ever released these courses and systems to the public.
And so we want your testimonials and your success stories.
This is a massive industry with millions of investors and traders, and once we’ve got those success stories we can much more easily charge the thousands of dollars that these courses are worth.
Our success depends on your success, so you can be sure that you’re getting the very best from us.
By getting in now during this introductory special you can grab these courses for a fraction of what they’re worth. Mere pennies on the dollar is what you’re paying.
But if you miss out, you’ll have to pay exponentially more to get your hands on this information.
We're also taking away all of the risk by offering a full money back guarantee...

60 Day Money Back Guarantee
We’re so confident that the Trading Code is going to give you an edge in your trading, that we want you to try it completely risk free with a 100% money back guarantee. We believe that if you watch the videos and apply them to your portfolio, you’re going to be very happy with the results.
We’re actually offering a full 60 day money back guarantee on this! Why would we do that? Because that’s how confident we are that you’re going to make money with our system and love it.
So if you're ready to stop being on the losing side of the market, and start making profitable trades on a consistent basis, now is the time.
To take advantage of this special offer, just click the order button on this page and you'll be taken directly to the signup form. If the membership is already full, you'll see a big red stop-sign and a message instead of the signup form, but if you reach the signup form, you've made it on time, and you can go ahead and sign up right now.
Included in that very small payment is complete access to three options trading courses, plus the Inverted Credit Spread ebook.
Maybe you're wondering, is this for me?
If you have any money in the stock market, this is for you. The days of buy and hold, and watch the market go up forever are gone. Yes you can buy and hold for periods of time. You certainly don't have to be a day trader. But without the kind of advantage that we're offering, it's very difficult to know when to buy and sell. We're going to take the guesswork out of it for you, because our system is not about guessing. So even if you're a casual investor, this is for you.
If you're an active trader, this is definitely for you. These days the markets are often volatile, always unpredictable, and without the kind of advantage that we're providing, you can lose your money time and time again. Whether you're an options trader, a day trader, a swing trader, or anything in between, you need to try this system. Trading without it is like driving with your eyes closed. You might do OK for awhile, and you might even go on a profitable win streak, but eventually you're going to have an accident and lose your money. We're here to prevent those kind of accidents.
So if you're a trader, this is absolutely for you.
We're going to give you an advantage so you can constantly minimize your risk while maximizing your profits, and consistently make money from the market.
So the bottom line is, if you've got any money in the market, or if you're a trader of any kind, whether you're a newbie or a professional, this IS for you!

You'll be getting instant access to The Trading Code on Negative Kurtosis system, The Trading Code on Earnings, Trading Options Basics (the course for newbies), and the Inverted Credit Spread ebook.
You won't find these systems being taught for free anywhere. It's just too profitable. Therefore, we really could be charging $1000 or more for this package today, but we've decided to make it incredibly affordable for a very limited time.
So don't wait! Grab it now because this is your chance.
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If you’re not satisfied with this membership package, just let us know within 60 days of your order and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase. After 60 days, all sales are final.
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We hope to see you on the "inside" and look forward to seeing you succeed with this system.
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Only $37
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